Costs can vary based on your location. Generally, the price of Realize Band surgery is equivalent to that of the Lap Band. Most facilities offer both bands if the surgeon has been trained and offers both. Typically, there is not a cost difference if you choose the Realize Band over the Lap Band.
- $10,000 USD to $20,000 USD is the pricing range across the country.
- $14,000 is the most often quoted average gastric band price.
- Cash prices tend to be on the lower end of the range.
- Cash pay patients shop their gastric banding surgery around.
- Surgery centers often offer out-patient lap banding procedures.
Is Realize Band Surgery Covered by Insurance?
Yes. It typically is if you meet the requirements per your policy. Check if your insurance carrier covers Realize Bands.
After Realize Band Surgery Costs
- Nutritionist appointments are often out of pocket or negotiated before surgery. These can range from $50 USD per visit to over $100 per visit.
- The Realize mySuccess program is free if you choose the Realize Band for your surgery.
- Realize Band fills or adjustments are often covered by insurance for the first year.
- Realize Band fills can cost anywhere from $75 USD to over $300 USD per visit if not covered by insurance.
- Post surgery follow-up visits with your bariatric surgeon are typically free.
- Complications can be extremely expensive. If the surgery is covered by insurance, then complications are typically covered as well. Treatment of wound site infections are typically paid for by the hospital or surgery center.